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  • Writer's pictureDan Dennison

The Preparation Continues or (How to drive yourself crazy by overthinking everything)

As the date for my Open House draws nearer, I find myself beset by doubts and apprehension. There isn't really any reason to feel this way. But I do. I'm pretty sure that people don't care if I put the taller piece on the left or the right. Or if I group the painted pieces together as opposed to scattering them about. Or if I don't get all the weeds pulled. Or if I have one canopy or two. But these are the things that keep me awake at night.

I know that once the day comes and guests start arriving, all these things won't matter, for this truly is my favorite day of the year. Having you all visit and enjoy the day with me is very special. I love welcoming old friends and returning guests, and greeting new visitors. It is an opportunity to promote the arts in South Jersey, and we all know that art promotes wellness and understanding.

So, let me send you all a hearty invitation to come and visit me this year at Studio 419.

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