Open House 2021
Above is a picture of my 2021 Open House. Looks nice, doesn't it? Well here's a little secret. My yard doesn't always look this nice. I wish it did, but it doesn't. It takes alot of work to achieve this look, and it's time to do it again. So I thought I'd give you a peek behind the scenes of what happens here at Studio 419.
The following pictures show how things usually look around here.
There is much to be done. Not only yard work, but also clerical duties. So here is a little list that I put together, no particular order.
Keep grass manageable
Pull weeds
Fill in rabbit holes (tripping hazard)
Add prices to sculpture
Set up canopies
Arrange for live music
Have postcards printed
Submit info to press
Have a beer
Set up tables
Arrange pedestals
Get some muscle to help
Post this blog entry
Clean bird droppings off outdoor pieces
Spend some time worrying
Fret about the weather
Distribute flyers
Have a beer
Clean up work area
Tend to broken boards on patio
etc, etc, etc...........
Below are some photos of my less than organized sculpture that I have to organize, clean, price, and carry up the steps to arrange.
Please don't get me wrong.I love doing all of this. Open House Day is by far my favorite day of the year. Having you all visit is wonderful. I will keep you posted as we get nearer. Thanks.